Specializes in Fulham Workorse Electronic Ballast, Sign Ballast, Magnetic, HID - AUDIO VISUAL
Lamps for standard and LCD projectors, Metal Halide, Xenon, Photo Lamps - GENERAL LIGHTING
Fluorescent, Incandescent, miniatures, HID, Decorative, Long Life, energy efficient lamp - MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC
Microscope, Optical, Radiology, Laboratories, Germicidal Lamps, Surgical - GRAPHIC ARTS & PRINTING
Platemakers, Typesetters, Scanners, Curing, Laser Strobes, Reprographic, Diazio - SPECIAL EFFECTS
Strobe Lights, Fog Machines, Gels, Photoluminescent non-electric light, fiber optics, rope light and accessories - STAGE & STUDIO
Lamps for Scoops, Fresnels, Ellipsoidals, Par, Accessories - ENERGY STAR MANUFACTURES
GE, TCP, Phillips, Sylvania, Eiko, Halco - WIRING DEVICES
Sockets, wire nuts, transformers, starters, adaptors, occupancy sensors, lighting controls, lamp changers - FIXTURES
Track, cable, downlights, Wall Paks, fluorescent, poles - TASK LIGHTING
Under cabinet, clip-on lights, curio lights, portable lights - EMERGENCY & SAFETY
Exit lights, emergency ballast, vandal proof, photoluminescent non-electric signs - CUSTOM DESIGNED PROJECTS
Design applications using UL and UR listed products - PLASTIC & GLASS
Custom cut and designed globes, lenses, louvers - LANDSCAPE LIGHTING
Light bulbs, fixtures, replacement parts, and design - LED LIGHTING